Episode #14 – March Animation Madness! – Part Three
The exciting conclusion of Animation Madness is here! The panel thought it would be fun to introduce their own style of March Madness with a tournament to crown their favorite cartoon series of all time. We started with 64 and now we’ve made it down to the Elite 8! Tune in to part three to find out which show gets crowned the winner!
Be sure to listen to both Part One and Part Two first, if you haven’t already.
Zack Slater
Frank Melman
Tommy Smithereens
Engineered by Mike BlueLion
Edited by Clifton
Music: Arpy – Dan Henig
Support by RFM – NCM: https://bit.ly/2xGHypM
Episode Notes
Animation Madness – Elite Eight Bracket (click image for full size)
For Final Four Bracket (with Elite Eight Spoilers) CLICK HERE
For Championship Bracket (with Final Four Spoilers) CLICK HERE
For Complete Animation Madness Results (All Spoilers) CLICK HERE
This was a fun series of episodes, but I need a watch challenge for one of the battles. Venture Bros. v. Voltron (Netflix) . How is Venture Bros. better than Voltron?!?! I don’t see it. Voltron was amazing from beginning to end. Venture Bros…. has moments, but it’s has gotten to a level that even the writers don’t where to got with it at times. Please explain why you chose Venture Bros a little more, because again, I just don’t see it.
Glad you enjoyed this series. We had a lot of fun making it. We have been talking for a while about doing a spotlight on Venture Bros. And we could easily do one for Voltron: Legendary Defender too. It’s a great show that we also enjoy. But hopefully will we get you all of your answers in the not too far off future.