Animation, Comic Books, Movies, Superheroes, Television
Episode #30 – Changes From Panel to Screen
One of the most exciting things for comics fans is seeing their favorite characters come to life on the big or small screen. From time to time however, fans are […]
Comic Books, Disney, Movies, Spotlight
Episode #26 – Spotlight: Dick Tracy
Now, audiences can find any number of superhero movies released per year, but before their relatively recent boom in theatres, superhero movies were a rare occurrence. Often, a sort of […]
Animation, Comic Books, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Movies, Superheroes, Television
Episode #24 – Superhero Staying Power?
Disco. Westerns. There are many examples of things that were once popular that have since died out. The question is, are we in the middle of one of those scenarios […]
Animation, Comic Books, Movies, Superheroes, Television, Video Games
Episode #23 – Untapped Potential in Pop Culture
How many times have you read a comic or watched a show and encountered something that made you think, ”this is such a great idea, why don’t they do more […]
Animation, Movies, Superheroes
Episode #20 – Sequels: What Happens Next
All good stories have a beginning, middle, and an end, but sometimes there’s more after the screen turns black and the lights come up. What happens after the good guy […]
Comic Books, Movies, Television
Episode #19 – Spoiler Alert-iquette
Darth Vader is [CLASSIFIED]! Rosebud is [REDACTED]? Spoilers are all over the place and you can accidentally stumble upon one anywhere. For this episode, the panel discusses Spoiler Etiquette, and […]